If you're looking for State National information, email TJ: melowisdom@gmail.com


Asset Protection 101


This website is dedicated to helping individuals protect their assets from frivolous lawsuits, excessive taxation, and prying eyes. Our goal is to teach you how to properly create and operate lawful trusts, both personal and charitable trusts.

Benefits of a Trust

  • Protect your assets from frivolous lawsuits
  • Protect information about your assets from those with malicious intent
  • Eliminiate or minimize capital gains taxes
  • Provide a legal entity where your activities and expenses are deductible
  • Provide you a steady income stream as a Trust Director
  • Provide a vehicle for passing the assets of your trust to beneficiaries of your choice

Caveat Emptor
"Let the buyer beware" is especially important in the field of trusts. To protect your assets, your trust must be structured and operated in such a way that a court of law cannot "pierce" your trust, and thereby allow the court to use the trust's assets in court-ordered settlements against you. Trust laws vary from state-to-state, and many boiler-plate and professionally created trusts are not constructed properly, and may be easily pierced, rendering them worthless. This website, TJ Henderson's e-book, and his audio workshops, are all designed to educate you and to help you create a trust that will truly protect your assets.

Expert Assistance at an Affordable Price
TJ Henderson is available to assist you by creating a trust for you based on your unique circumstances at an affordable price. He also is available for reviewing your trust purchased elsewhere or made from an on-line template, to make sure it is water tight. TJ is also available to act as your Special Power of Appointment Trustee or your Protector Trustee. Click here for more information.

  • Create a personalized trust or charitable remainder unitrust
  • Create a trust for those who purchase Audio Workshops DVD
  • Review a trust created based on eBook and Audio Workshops DVD
  • Review a trust created by others and fix problems
  • Act as your Special Power of Appointment Trustee
  • Act as your Protector Trustee



About TJ Henderson

TJTJ Henderson has a 34 year history in the legal profession, with trusts being his primary focus. While proven himself adept enough with law to represent himself and others before a judge and court, TJ has chosen to not associate himself with the B.A.R. (British Accredidation Registry). TJ's mastery of law and the legal system is proven by his winning 358 out of 431 court cases both court and adminstrative. The breadth and depth of TJ's knowledge of trust law is such that he has even represented a Trust School founder in legal matters. Having a trust created by TJ will give you the confidence that your trust cannot be pierced, providing you operate it lawfully.

Click here for more about TJ Henderson.


What people are saying about TJ's book and classes
"Great class TJ! Just loved it. Looking good TJ!!! Way to go... Glad you are part of the OOM TEAM!"
"Dear T.J., Firstly, both my cousin and I want to thank you for all you are doing and for the time you have devoted to helping us 'newbies'."
"Thanks for taking time to speak with me last evening. I greatly appreciate your advice and look forward to working together. I feel more confident about my plan to move forward."
"Thanks T.J., We really appreciate you!" Art
"Good morning TJ, Thanks again for your time and advice."
"Thank you TJ for all your time and patience. I can't believe how much you've done. You are truly a God-Send."